Focus On: Moxibustion

Our resident Moxibustion practitioner is Yuki Itaya, Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.  Yuki specialises in both the traditional method of acupuncture as well as the lesser-known treatment of moxibustion.  So what is moxibustion? 

Where acupuncture uses fine needles to address specific issues within the body, moxibustion is a Japanese style acupuncture that consists of smouldering rice-grain sized cones of moxa (which is refined Artemisia Princeps) on specific locations on the skin.  Based on the same principle that qi, the energy that flows through our body, can be disturbed and this in turn can result in illness or pain within the body, moxa is used to treat any issues by realigning our energy pathways.  

The moxa cones can placed directly on the skin, or suspended/held away from the body which is known as indirect moxibustion. Yuki’s style of moxibustion is very special, instead of direct moxa, she uses her own paste to protect the skin and places moxa on top of it. This gentle heat will trigger the parasympathetic system which gives you a deep calming zone.  In a similar way to acupuncture, the process is pain-free and even if direct moxa is applied to the skin, the feeling is of heat and warmth.  So what can it be used for? 

The most common health benefits reported are improvements in circulation and immunity, chronic pain relief, elimination of fatigue and assistance with breech babies.  Recently, Yuki has found that moxibustion has been particularly successful in treating long term symptoms of Covid-19 such as a lingering cough, prolonged fatigue and low energy.  Once the qi has been reset, this should enable the body to increase in energy and be relieved of the side effects of Covid-19 that seem to hang around for some people. 

Yuki has also had success treating scar tissue issues.  One of her clients, a 50 year old female, had previous surgery to remove fibroids and was left with sensitivity around the scar.  This meant she did not want that area to be touched and found certain yoga positions tight and painful.  Yuki carried out three intense moxa treatments with very gentle heat.  The result has been extremely beneficial for the client – she no longer feels the scar or notices it is there. 

We feel extremely fortunate to have such an experienced therapist practising at Yellow Door Therapies, and we have come to learn of the vast benefits acupuncture and moxibustion can offer our clients. 

Feel free to contact Yuki directly via our website and discuss how these amazing treatments could be beneficial for you and your family. 


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